ima183060, Rippled sand under water
Philip Liljenberg, Photo: Fani Antoniades
Philip Liljenberg
From a very tender age, Philip would pick up his father's Yashica and document his world. His skateboarding, his music and his rehearsal hall, not to mention nature. He started taking photos as a form of documentation, but today, it is more about discovering the beauty in the commonplace things he sees, such as a pleasing stone, a pattern made by moss or waves in the sea.

Philip has long been inspired by the sea and often finds himself there when he is out shooting. He loves finding lovely patterns in stones and cliffs. He likes not always being able to see what the subject of a photo is but rather to enjoy the feel its pattern gives. He likes the very Scandinavian 'cold' and 'raw'.

And we at Johnér appreciate the simplicity and feel of Philip's images. Come in and have a look! Heads up! Philip will be taking over our Instagram account @johnerimages this coming week.
ima183056, Guitar head against old wall
ima196481, Jellyfish floating in sea
ima171976, Rocks
ima171984, View of forest
ima196473, Wake of ship on sea water
ima171993, Close up of tree stump
ima183068, Green fern
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