Welcome to Johnér Bildbyrå. We are the largest Swedish supplier of royalty-free images which have been specially produced for the Swedish market. In other words, our images speak the same language as your target group. We collaborate with the best photographers in Sweden, and all of our images are royalty-free, which means they can be used in all channels for an unlimited amount of time. Pay once and use them forever, anywhere you choose.
Read more about our images
Images on johner.se
You will find images that reflect Swedish society. We produce images related to popular themes and relevant situations, both on our own and in collaboration with our photographers. We always aim to reflect modern Swedish society in our images. We stay attuned to societal development, and work to produce modern images that reflect equality, diversity and the appropriate tone &ldash; which align with trends in the surrounding world.
Right of use for royalty-free images
Right of use for royalty-free images means you have the right to publish images in all media for all time. No complications!
Price for Johnér's royalty-free images
The price for our royalty-free images depends on how large the image file needs to be. The most common file sizes are Medium (A5) and Superhigh (A3). Medium is primarily used on websites, in social media and in banners, as well as for small image areas in printed matter such as brochures or flyers. Superhigh is generally used for slightly larger surfaces or when a company prefers to purchase a larger file for future needs that might arise.
Image packages and subscriptions
We offer different image packages and subscriptions for royalty-free image use depending on needs and budget. The more images you buy, the lower the price. As a creator with a Swedish target group, you can always find affordable and creative images with a high level of technical quality.