Agneta Johnér.
Our Christmas gift for you
A digital magazine with the year's best articles from the newsletter
In the digital era it is more important
than ever to create an image of the
brand with the right tonality. Keeping up with, and understanding visual communication can be the difference between failure and success.

The magic of images is that our brains function in such a way that we simply cannot help but look at them. And since an image overwhelms even the sharpest copy text, it becomes even more important what it says about the sender. So what do you want it to say about you?

Here in our e-magazine we have gathered
a lot of knowledge, wisdom and interesting
reading from this year's newsletters, or as we prefer to call them, our knowledge bank. Enjoy!

Agneta Johnér, CEO Johnér Images
Download your own copy
SCREENSAVER Now filled with snow and winter
Our screensaver is a handy little thing that keeps track of date and time besides brightening your computer screen with great images whenever you don't use the computer. Decorative and practical, all in one. And the images are updated on a regular basis. Right now with snowy winter images!
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